Top page>Visual Medical Fungi

Visual Medical Fungi 100 Species

First Edition by Koichi MAKIMURA

Copyright 2019 by Medical Science Interational, Ltd., Tokyo.

ISBN 978-4-8157-0149-9

Fungi are the oldest microbes familiar to human in both positive and negative ways. Comparing to bacteria or viruses, fungi have their unique, interesting and specific morphology, sometimes called “face”. Those who want to appreciate the beauty of fungal faces, they are required to access microscope eyepieces. Such an opportunity has long been a privilege for researchers and examiners. On the other hands, morphological observations of filamentous fungi are mainly based on the slide culture techniques. The slide culture image allows us to find out specific key features to identify fungal species or even strains, however, it is like “flower pressing” that does not reflect any sense of the vivid glowing fungi. To have a better observation embodying aesthetic aspects of living fungi, “digital microscope for fungal observation” was adopted from its industrial application. With this microscope, three-dimensional fungal image is possible by focus synthesis technology. The application of digital microscope in medical mycology and a collection of images of pathogenic fungi were shown.

The book is  Japanese only but aveilable from amazon.

Created 20190712 Updated 20190713 Copyright Koichi MAKIMURA 2019