#!/usr/local/bin/perl #-------------------------------------------------------# # Simple query CGI # by Morikawa I. (morikawa@med.teikyo-u.ac.jp) # http://www.med.teikyo-u.ac.jp/~morikawa/sq/ #-------------------------------------------------------# $VERSION = 0.131; # 98/09/04 $CONF_FILE = 'config.pl'; # name of configuration file ### DO NOT EDIT below, UNTIL you encounter 'YOU CAN EDIT' ! &cgi_header; &load_conf; if ($METHOD =~ /^G$/i || $METHOD =~ /^GET$/i) { $METHOD = 'GET'; } else { $METHOD = 'POST'; } $SCRIPT = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; $SCRIPT =~ m#(/.*/)(.*)$#; $SCRIPT_DIR = $1; $SCRIPT_NAME = $2; &cgi_receive; &cgi_decode; &get_arguments; &load_raw_data; &make_index if ($INDEX || $INDEX==0); &header($TITLE); &print_form; if ($FORM{'mo'} eq 'q') { &decrease_array; &print_result(); } &footer; sub decrease_array { local($i,$a,$x,@lines2,@as,$passed_or,$passed_and); # indexed selection if ($arg_index && $arg_index ne '') { @lines2 = (); for ($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { if (&read_cell($i,$INDEX) eq $arg_index) { push(@lines2,$lines[$i]); } } @lines = @lines2; } # substring matching if (@STRING_MATCH >0) { foreach $x (@STRING_MATCH) { $a = $arg_match[$x]; if ($a && $a ne '') { $a =~ s/\s+\+\s+/\+/g; # erase spaces around '+' $a =~ s/\s+/ /g; # substitute multi-space to single-space @as = split(/ /,$a); @lines2 = (); for ($i=0;$i<@lines;$i++) { $passed_or = undef; foreach (@as) { @ax = split(/\+/,$_); $passed_and = 'true'; foreach (@ax) { if (&read_cell($i,$x) !~ /$_/i) { $passed_and = undef; } } $passed_or = 'true' if ($passed_and); } push(@lines2,$lines[$i]) if ($passed_or); } @lines = @lines2; } } } } sub make_index { local($line,$i,$found); @index = (); $indexed = &read_cell_from_line($header_line,$INDEX); foreach $line (@lines) { $i = &read_cell_from_line($line,$INDEX); undef $found; foreach (@index) { if ($_ eq $i) { $found = 1; last; } } push(@index,$i) unless ($found); } } sub load_raw_data { if ($NKF) { open(FILE, "$NKF < $RAW_FILE|"); } else { open(FILE, "$RAW_FILE"); } $header_line = ; @lines = ; close(FILE); } ## 検索結果の TABLE 表示 sub print_array { local(@arg) = @_; local($x,$line); print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach (@arg) { $x = &read_cell_from_line($header_line,$_); print "\n"; foreach (@arg) { $x = &read_cell_from_line($line,$_); if ($WRAP>=0 && $WRAP == $_) { $pre = $WRAP_PREFIX; $sup = $WRAP_SUFFIX; if ($WRAP_ITEM) { $N = &read_cell_from_line($line,$WRAP_ITEM); $pre =~ s/\$N/$N/g; $sup =~ s/\$N/$N/g; } $x = $pre.$x.$sup; } print "
$x"; } foreach $line (@lines) { print "
$x"; } } print "
\n"; } sub read_cell { local($nline,$n) = @_; split(/$SEP/,$lines[$nline]); return($_[$n]); } sub read_cell_from_line { local($line,$n) = @_; split(/$SEP/,$line); return($_[$n]); } sub load_conf { open(CONF,$CONF_FILE) || error("Can't read config file $CONF_FILE!"); foreach () { eval; } close(CONF); } sub error { print @_; die @_; } sub cgi_header { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; } sub cgi_receive { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { read(STDIN, $incoming, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $incoming = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } $incoming =~ tr/+/ /; $incoming =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; } sub cgi_decode { local($name,$value,@pairs,@parts); @pairs = split(/&/, $incoming); foreach (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_); # $name =~ tr/+/ /; # $value =~ tr/+/ /; #### Strip out semicolons unless for special character $value =~ s/;/$$/g; $value =~ s/&(\S{1,6})$$/&\1;/g; $value =~ s/$$/ /g; $value =~ s/\|/ /g; $value =~ s/^!/ /g; ## Allow exclamation points in sentences #### Skip generally blank fields next if ($value eq ""); #### Allow for multiple values of a single name $FORM{$name} .= ", " if ($FORM{$name}); $FORM{$name} .= $value; } } sub get_arguments { $arg_index = $FORM{'id'}; foreach $i (@STRING_MATCH) { $arg_match[$i] = $FORM{"m$i"}; } } sub debug { foreach (keys %FORM) { print "$_ = $FORM{$_}
"; } } ### DO NOT EDIT above ! ### YOU CAN EDIT below to configure the appearance of the page. ## HTMLヘッダ sub header { local($title) = @_; print "$title\n\n"; print "


\n"; } ## HTMLフッタ sub footer { print "
\n"; print "\n"; } ## 入力フォームの表示 sub print_form { local($i,$x); print "


" if ($PREFIX_PARA); print qq|
\n|; if ($INDEX || $INDEX==0) { print qq|

\n|; print qq|$indexed

\n|; } if (@STRING_MATCH>0) { print qq|

\n|; foreach $i (@STRING_MATCH) { $x = &read_cell_from_line($header_line,$i); print qq|$x
\n|; } print qq|

\n|; } print qq||; print qq||; print qq|\n[$BUTTON_INIT]\n|; print qq||; print qq|
\n|; print "


" if ($SUFFIX_PARA); print qq|
\n|; print qq|[$HELP_TEXT]\n|; print qq|Simple Query CGI V.$VERSION\n|; print "
\n"; } ## 検索結果の表示 sub print_result { local($i,$x,$a); print "


"; # 検索条件の表示 print "

"; print "インデックス項目「$indexed」 == 「$arg_index」
" if ($arg_index); if (@STRING_MATCH > 0) { foreach $i (@STRING_MATCH) { $a = $arg_match[$i]; if ($a && $a ne '') { $x = &read_cell_from_line($header_line,$i); print "項目「$x」が文字列「$a」を含む
"; } } } print "

"; # 検索結果(TABLE)の表示 &print_array(@DISPLAY); print "
\n"; } ### sq.pl end.