[[ International PanelF"Early management of severely burned patients" ]]

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International Panel DiscussionF
"Early management of severely burned patients
-- How would you treat these patients? --"

y Chairman z@ Naoki AIKAWA, Motohiro NOZAKI

y Panelist z@ Peter Nightingale(UK), Dennis C.Gore(USA), Chi Li(China)
Tetsuo Yukioka(Japan), Hajime Matsumura(Japan)

@Clinical profiles of the following two severely burned patients will be presented in detail at the panel.
  1. CASE 1:
    @75 yo male, 40% BSA (full-thickness, torso and both lower extremities), with alcohlic liver cirrhosis.
  2. CASE 2:
    @30 yo female, 70% BSA (full-thickness, including burns of face and bilateral hands)
@The issues for the discussion will be as follows,
  1. General strategies for these cases.
  2. Wound care and other treatment on admission including measures for prevention of infection.
  3. Fluid resuscitation during the first 48 hours.
  4. Timing of debredement ( early or immediate operation), location of the initial operation, number of operations you plan, any special peri-operative management.
  5. Methods of closing the wounds (skin graft, artificial skin, cultured skin, etc.)
  6. Predicted outcome and complications of these cases.
  7. Special techniques or modalities of treatment.


Trauma and Critical Care Center,
Teikyo University, School of Medicine
—ι–Ψ GΉ (dangan@med.teikyo-u.ac.jp)
Hiromasa Suzuki, MD
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