
Guidelines of ISHAM Working Group on Medical Phycology: Protothecosis and Chlorellosis (ISHAM-MPWG)

1. Working group (WG): “Medical Phycology: Protothecosis and Chlorellosis” was established under the umbrella of International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) for supporting all scientific aspects in order to deal with algal infections in humans and animals and their etiologic microorganisms. Application was submitted on December 29, 2013 and was approved on May 4, 2014.

2. Objectives: Algal infections are so-called “orphan diseases” that have been studied principally by medical and veterinary mycologists mainly because of the yeast-like appearances of the causative algae. This WG aims to be a forum where specialists in algal infections in humans and animals may connect efforts to build a network for further developing the knowledge in this area.

3. Members: All the WG members (Members), including WG coordinators (Coordinators) and a WG secretary (Secretary), should be members of ISHAM. The WG members who do not hold the memebrship of ISHAM shall strongly be encouraged to become ISHAM members. The conditions for admission of new Members will conform to the requirements of ISHAM. All persons wishing to become Members must submit to the following:
Rui Kano, DVM, Ph.D.
Department of Pathobiology
College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
Fujisawa 252-0880,
Phone: +81-466-84-3518
Fax: +81-466-84-3519

4. Officers: ISHAM-MPWG has now two Coordinators and a Secretary. The terms of office of the WG shall officially begin at the close of the launching business meeting (BM), where they are elected, and shall extend to the next BM. On 8 May 2015, Drs. John R. Todd and Tadahiko Matsumoto (Coordinators) and Rui Kano (Secretary) were formally approved as our WG officers.

5. WG-BM: We had the first launching WG-BM on 8 May 2015 during the 19th ISHAM congress in 2015 (ISHAM-19/Melbourne/2015). A subsequent plan was discussed and organized. Secretary will send Members not less than six months before the date of the next BM notice requesting items for the agenda. Members who desire to have an item included on this agenda must inform Secretary at least four months prior to the date of BM. Coordinators and Secretary will send to Members not less than two months before the date of BM a detailed agenda of subjects to be discussed. BM may discuss and make recommendations upon a subject not included on the agenda with the majority approval of Members present. WG-BM shall meet under the chairmanship of the Secretary or, failing that, of one of the Coordinators, or, failing that, of a Member elected by Members present. The decisions will be taken on a simple majority of votes of Members present taking into account. In case of equality, the vote of the chairman is decisive. The resolutions of the WG-BM shall be recorded and signed by Coordinators and Secretary. These records shall be sent to Members and also to ISHAM Vice Presidents who are responsible for WG activities.

6. WG Scientific Meetings: WG shall organize or sponsor from time to time scientific meetings, other than ISHAM congresses, as deemed appropriate to the objectives of WG. Meetings sponsored or co-sponsored by WG shall be supported by ISHAM in a manner and to an extent determined by the ISHAM Council according to the individual circumstances of each proposed meeting.

7. Budgets and Accounts: WG does not collect membership fees from Members for the present. Our official consultation and request will be sent to ISHAM in case Secretary finds it necessary to do so after Officers’ due investigation on the matter.
Application-for funding-ISHAM-Working-Group
In that case, WG treasurer and WG auditor shall be appointed as additional officers by Members at BM. The financial year of WG shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31. Officers must be present to each BM for approval of the Income and Expenditure Accounts for the period between the previous BM and the December 31 of the previous year.

8. Announcement: Updated information of WG will appear at ISHAM news <> and in a webpage <>.

9. WG-BM shall decide the mode of dissolution of the WG and liquidations of its capital, if present.

10. General disposition: The above guidelines comply with the regulations of the ISHAM accepted by the General Assembly in Paris (France) on July 8, 1971, and as modified by the General Assemblies in Atlanta (U.S.A.) on May 23, 1985, in Adelaide (Australia) on March 17 1994, in Parma (Italy) on June 13, 1997 and at San Antonio (U.S.A.) on May 29, 2003.

11. Amendments and revisions: These guidelines can be changed by a simple majority of votes of Members. Proposed amendments must be brought to the attention of Secretary at a time sufficient to allow the WG-BM to be given two months notice of the proposal. Any changes so made must be brought to the notice of Members not more than three months after being made.
[First proposed version: October 1, 2014, First revised version: December 14, 2014, Officially approved revised version: May 8, 2015.]