MPH Program

Are you looking for a graduate program in public health that combines theoretical and practical approaches?

Master of Public Health (MPH) is a professional degree designed to prepare practitioners to play a role in key public health agencies and functions, including assessment, planning, action implementation, and evaluation.

Studying public health in a professional degree program means “acquiring a broad range of knowledge and skills and a public health mindset to practice comprehensive problem solving for various public health issues related to people’s lives and health. In addition to interest in and basic knowledge of human health, students are required to have interdisciplinary knowledge and experience, an awareness of social issues, the ability to think logically, and a basic foundation in leadership.

Successful applicants have
1. Basic knowledge, academic ability, and practical ability, with a desire to further develop these skills
2. An interest in people’s lives and health, and empathy for the sick and vulnerable.
3. Ability to think logically and rationally, and consider things from multiple perspectives.
4. Flexibility to emphasize and collaborate with people from various backgrounds, as well as the ability to lead and execute
