Dr. Mio Kato is an assistant professor at Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health. Her academic research focuses on the health communication and their impact on society. Her work is both sociological and interdisciplinary to clarify issues and effects of health content in journalism and entertainment media. She currently has “Entertainment Education creators project”, “Empowerment of Patient Advocacy Organization project” and “Evidence-based health information on TV program project”. With academic and industrial professionals, she also organizes a voluntary group “Be Creative for Health” where the professionals from journalism, entertainment media, clinical medicine and public health share their insights to understand and create new insights. Mio holds a Ph.D. in Social Medicine from the University of Tokyo with emphasis of health communication.
Teaching Occupational Health, Social and Behavioral Sciences
More profile https://researchmap.jp/miokato/?lang=english
Contact mio.kato[at]med.teikyo-u.ac.jp